Xcel-Arc Chaos Auto Darkening Welding Helmit


Sale price$206.00


The CHAOS helmet by Xcel-Arc is a high quality wide-view automatic welding helmet thats suitable for almost all welding applications.
It includes an externally operated Grind Mode function, as well as True Colour and the latest Comfort Headgear design. It features four independent arc sensors with solar powered cells and easily replaceable batteries. Other features include:

external shade adjustment with variable shade 9-13 and TIG operability to 3 amps.
Internal controls include adjustable time Delay to clear
state and Sensitivity for triggering to dark state.
It is a lightweight and comfortable helmet with a uniquely Kiwi graphics
design package
DIN standard approval guarantees maximum eye protection
during welding.
The unique design, features and price of the CHAOS makes it without doubt the best value for money mid-level automatic welding helmet on the market today. The CHAOS helmet is backed with a 2-year warranty for your peace of mind.

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