TTNS11 - 11pc Stud & Nut Remover Set TC-Tray Modular System - GET ORGANISED WITH TENG!
Tray Size: 265 x 142 x 50mm
Tray Weight: 1.3kg
Set of 11 pieces containing 5 screw extractors, 4 stud bolt extractors as well as 2 nut splitters.
Supplied in a plastic TC tray with removable lid.
Fits in Teng Tools tool boxes and roller cabinets.
Screw extractor: 7/64in 9/64in 5/32in 1/4 in 19/64in
Stud bolt extractor: 6, 8, 10, 12mm
Nut splitter: 5-20, 14-27mm