TCMM1034N | Teng 1034pc MM/AF Tower Tool Kit 37in A complete tool kit covering the requirements of mostusers. All the tools are laid out in individual tool trays usingthe Teng Tools Get Organised system. Easy to see if any tools have been mislaid or lost helpingto prevent leaving them with the work piece. The kit contains 71 individual tool trays containing 1034individual pieces. Supplied in our famous extra wide TCW207N 7 drawer 37in wide roller cabinet topped with our new TC205NF 5 drawer topbox. All in TengTools red with the distinctive TengTools eyeslogo on the drop front on the top box and on the bottomdrawer on the cabinet. No. of drawer: 12 Colour: Red Width: 953 mm Depth: 460 mm Height: 1425 mm