68 11212 MULTIPURPOSE RUBBER COATING AEROSOL GLOSSIFIER Plasti Dip Glossifier enhancer is specially designed to make the already-outstanding Plasti Dip home solution even better. The Enhancers are easy to use and will give any Plasti Dipped item a unique look.
Plasti Dip, whether in our original dip-on/brush-on formula or our aerosol variety, dries to a soft, satin finish. This look works fine for many applications, but often a different finish is desired. With Plasti Dip Glossifier, you can give any Plasti Dipped item a glossy, polished look. Plasti Dip Glossifier is ideal for automotive applications, crafts, and many more uses.
Plasti Dip Glossifier is available in 11-oz. aerosol cans. It applies quickly and easily?shake it up and spray it on, just like the spray-on Plasti Dip.Exhibits excellent moisture, acid, alkaline, and abrasion resistance.Protects against electrical shCk, skidding, slipping, and corrosion.