Hand Operated Diaphragm pump designed to work in anyposition Vertical Horizontal at an angle or even upsidedown.Pump can be mounted anywhere: on a wall wooden base on adrum etc.Pump handle can be fitted in line or at 90 degrees to theinlet & outlet ports which makes installation very easy.Constructed from minimal parts the pump is virtuallymaintenance free. The choice of materials used in the pumpconstruction allows high Chemical compatibility making ituseful for a variety of applications in IndustrialAgricultural Automotive & Marine.Designed to operate as Bilge pump to evacuate standing bilgewater.
WETTED COMPONENTSPolyacetal Thermoplastic Polyurethane Stainless Steel &PVC
RECOMMENDED USEWater Sea Water Diesel Bio Diesel Kerosene GasolineMineral Oils heating oils Synthetic Oils Engine OilsAntifreeze emulsions & liquids with small bodies insuspension
DO NOT USE WITHUrea Food grade media or any media not compatible with thepump components